Friday, April 29, 2011

On Randonneuring

Over the course of fifty-some posts on this blog one of the things I've tried to do is paint a picture of what randonneuring is all about. Or at least what it's about for me. I doubt I've painted a very clear picture because... well, randonneuring is a surprisingly difficult thing to explain.

Today I ran across this description of randonneuring by Alec Burney on the Velo Orange blog. I thought it was well-written and did a good job of succinctly explaining the sport, so I thought I'd pass it along. It was one of those pieces that made me think, "I wish I could have said it that well."


  1. I don't try to paint a picture of what randonneuring or cycling is. I try to paint a picture of each ride. Soometimes in detail, sometimes not. Sometimes trying to include most everything, usually just selecting one or two angles to concentrate on. And, on occasion, I have harped-on my cycling partners.

    Perhaps the result is a mosaic that paints the larger picture. I don't know about that. I do know that I sometimes enjoy re-reading and re-recalling earlier blog posts and rides -- usually re-recalling particular moments from those rides.


  2. Hey, just saw this. Thanks for the mention!
